Leagues & Tournaments

League Sign-up & Anytime Golf Free Trial!

Thinking about signing up for Golf League and/or exploring our new Anytime Golf product? Here’s your chance to try it out at no cost and get ready for 24/7 access to our facility!

Flexible access Monday-Wednesday all day and non-staffed hours Thursday-Sunday.

What’s Included:

  • 1 or 2 hour session in one of our golf bays—completely free!
  • A perfect opportunity to check out golf league this winter and get signed up.
  • Hands-on walkthrough of our golf software and digital key system.
  • Get set up and become eligible to use our Golf Anytime product in the future, giving you 24/7 access to the facility for use during unstaffed hours.

How to Reserve Your Session:

  • Visit the Book Now page on our website and select the League/Anytime Golf product.
  • Pick a time that works for you this week.
  • Use coupon code “GOLFLEAGUE” to schedule your trial session this week (Dec. 2nd – 8th) at NO COST.
  • We’ll do our best to meet you there during non-staffed hours for a personalized walkthrough to help you get set up for Anytime Golf and/or register for the league.

  • You may also come in during regularly scheduled hours for Anytime Golf set up or to get signed up for league.

League Sign-ups are open now!

Ready to lock in your spot?

12-week 2-person scramble format starting officially the week of December 9th

$160 league fee (per person) includes all the weekly 2-hour reservations and $20 prize pool contribution for the entire season.

Click here to officially sign up for league!

Book online/Call or text (605) 999-7079 to schedule your walkthrough and get your SALTO key access.